Saturday, December 31, 2011

Adios, 2011!

Wow! 2011 has been filled with so many ups and downs. I have learned a great deal about the justice system this year and have continued thinking about law school. It's a big decision and would be life changing, but I have decided to put it on hold for another few years.

I have met so many great people this year and have had several opportunities come my way that I will forever be thankful for. And thanks to facebook, twitter, and linkedin, I have reconnected with many I have lost touch with over the years. This in itself is a blessing.

I am ready to end 2011, but ready and excited to start 2012. This year will be the most memorable yet! Filled with personal and professional growth, new adventures, and much needed changes...2012, here I come!

Thank you all and have a happy, healthy, and prosperous NEW YEAR!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

For those of you who struggle with writing...

Over the years, I have written thousands of pages to earn my degrees. Now I am helping others do the same. Consider these tips for improving your writing skills:

1. Read good writers.

2. Practice writing daily.

3. Know your audience and constantly ask yourself "who cares?" when you are writing.

4. Replace "is," "are," "was," and "were" with more creative words or phrases.

5. Research your knowledge and give credit to others' ideas. For professional and academic purposes, avoid using personal opinions unless you can support it with facts.

6. Keep paragraphs short.

7. Be consistent throughout your writing.

8. Do not use contractions. Spell it out!

9. In the beginning, start with a question or short, powerful statement to grab readers' attention.

10. Keep the meat in the middle.

11. In the end, leave the reader with something to think about and end with an impact.

12. When proofreading, read aloud so you know how it sounds. Does it flow well? If it doesn't sound right, it probably isn't.

Now, get to writing. Don't forget to be creative!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Patrol Services International Referral Incentive

Patrol Services International is offering a referral incentive through January 31, 2012. Any current or new client that refers another and they become a client will receive a $100 gift card! This is an amazing incentive to give as a gift this holiday season or to do your own shopping with. Please contact me via email at: to learn more about PSI and to become a client. 'Tis the season for an increase in robberies/burglaries so get the protection you, your home, your business, your customers, and your family deserve.

We only use monthly agreements; no long term contracts needed. Our quality services speak for themselves. For more information on PSI, please visit our website at

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Monday, October 31, 2011

*Prison Cell Phones*

I know, it sounds like a crazy concept, right?  Prison cell phones.  Instead of beating a dead horse and battling with the issue of cell phone contraband, why not allow inmates to have them?  I'm proud to be teamed up with and have the ability to provide this safe and secure cell phone.  It is at NO COST to the facilities and they can earn commission on this service. 

The website provides additional information and the proven success in other facilities.  Another website is  There are numerous benefits to having this service.  Facilities have the ability to record and monitor ALL calls, restrict to incoming and/or outgoing calls only.   No texting, no web browsing capabilities, no pictures.  Calls only.  Facilities can also restrict to times of day calls can be received and dialed.  This product also has GPS capabilities.  It's a win-win situation for everyone!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It Could Happen to You...

Are you aware of the serious toll identity theft can take on your life? Identity thieves target millions of Americans, even children, each year. Thieves can wreak havoc on finances, credit history, cause time off work and a great deal of stress trying to resolve the matter. Take action now against this devastating crime with the Identity Theft Shield from Pre-Paid Legal. Our valuable services include licensed experts that will step in and assist you in resolving your identity theft issue and restoring your credit back to normal, so you can get back to work and back to your life.

This can happen to anyone and it does happen more frequently than ever.  Identity theft is the fastest growing crime today.  Enroll today for only $9.95 a month to ensure you and your family are protected.  It will be the best money you've ever spent!

To enroll or read more information, go to and let me know if you have any questions.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

You Get What You Can Afford...

There are many people -- some may not even know -- who have a legal situation at this very moment.  Why go through the hastle of researching attorneys and lawyers and paying outrageous money for it?  The main reasons people do not seek legal counsel:

1. They are intimidated by lawyers.
2. They do not know who to call.
3. They believe it would cost too much.

LegalShield is a bridge between those people who are losing sleep at night because they feel like they can't afford the legal system and those lawyers who want to help them.  It is simple.  It is affordable.  There is only one phone number and someone else does the work for you.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Get a speeding ticket?  Having mortgage problems?  Landlord/tenant issues?  Need a patent?  Need advice on whether or not your lottery pool at work is legal?  Need a will or one revised?  Want to make sure there are no hidden terms in a contract?  Going through a divorce?  LegalShield can help and it is all affordable to everyone, not just the wealthy.  For one low monthly payment, you and your family can have legal representation for any reason 24/7.

Think of it as life insurance, but in a legal sense.

Contact me for additional information so I can get you coverage today and pass this link onto your friends and family.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

About Time....

THANK YOU, FLORIDA!!!! Florida is the first state that will require drug testing when applying for welfare (effective July 1st). Some people are crying this is unconstitutional. HOW is this unconstitutional? It's OK to drug test the people who WORK for their money but NOT those who DON'T?

I agree that some people unfortunately and truly deserve government assistance, but I also know that many do not deserve it and this is why I am thankful for this new law.  Let's hope it makes its way into OHIO sooner than later.

What are your thoughts, facebook friends?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Justice or Injustice?

It seems injustice is more frequent in our "justice" system today.  How is it that Caylee Anthony's mother is acquitted for murdering her daughter?  How is it that the judge did not use discretion and override this verdict?  How is it that Casey Anthony can sleep at night?  I understand that our justice system allows the defendant the right to trial and exercises the notion that we are all innocent until proven guilty.  But how does this happen when the family handled this tragedy so poorly?  That in itself speaks volume.  If your daughter drowned in the pool, then why wouldn't you call 9-1-1 and report it?  Why wouldn't you try to save her?  And why in the world would you hide and bury her remains?  Why wouldn't you give the poor child a proper burial ceremony?

The prosecution team did well, but the defense team did much better in this case somehow (unfortunately).  We now have a so called mother about to be on the streets again.  She's obviously unstable and insane.  Can we remove her ability to have more children?  If so, I might rest better.  There are way too many loop holes for Casey Anthony to be set free.

This is just one of many cases in history that more injustice is served and I am sure there will be many more.  I entertain the idea of adding a new degree program to all institutions of higher learning:  criminal injustice

RIP Caylee Anthony.  It is a shame your life was taken so soon.  How can any of us find the strength for forgiveness when something is so black and white?